In today's age, everyone looks online to decide where to eat, go for a fun evening of entertainment, or what people are saying about a movie. How many times have you googled a restaurant, bakery, club, or entertainment event to see the reviews? It's probably pretty often. This is exactly why online reviews are so important for all businesses, but especially small businesses.
As a hairstylist, I love reviews from my clients. They really are so helpful for potential clients to know what to expect when coming to me for a service. They also let me know what a client loves specifically about me and the services I offer.
One interesting bit of information I found out from reviews was that my clients love the specialty chocolate I provide during the holiday months! Several told me they hoped I still had some left when they came for their next appointment. I've also been told that the only time one particular client allows herself candy as a treat is when she visits me.
For a small business owner, that really is valuable information. I now know my clients like premium chocolate, so I always provide that in my salon.
I also provide a tv so my clients can watch whatever they'd like at their appointment. This may be one of the only times they get to sit and quietly watch HGTV while not being interrupted, some really enjoy this!
So the next time you visit your favorite small business, please consider taking a minute to find them on Google, Yelp, FaceBook and Instagram and give them a shout out if you enjoyed your time with them.
You can find my review sites below:
Until next time,